Saturday, March 20, 2010

Angel in Heaven

It is so sad for me to type this message, but today Will after eighteen months of fighting cardiac angio sarcoma was risen up to be with his God. All the way to the bitter end, Will fought this illness with dignity and pride. If you know Will, you know that Will was not afraid of dying, but disappointing his loved ones. I can surely say that this man NEVER disappointed anyone. He will be missed by so many! Will's blog will always be available, but this will be the last entry. Thank you to everyone who have traveled this journey with him. I know how much this site meant to him, and I know how much your comments meant to him. May he rest in peace!
No more chemo, no more surgeries, no more pain Baby. I love you Will with every inch of my heart, mind, body, and soul. You will never be forgotten because you not only touched, but impacted so many lives. I am a better person today because of you, and for that I am eternally grateful.
P.S. In the sidebar to the right, there is a goal that Will wanted to make this year, and that was to raise $1500 for the American Heart Walk... I know that he is not here anymore, but I would like to continue to support him and try to raise as much money as I can. Please if you can donate money towards Will's AHA Heart Walk goal, it would greatly be appreciated. I know that Will has reached his goal of $1500. Thank you to everyone who has donated. I would love to see him reach the $10, 000 mark. God Bless!


Anonymous said...

As Will would say to me so many times... Steph you are always the first one to respond to my blog.. I cant believe this is real.. I cant believe your gone.. I will never forget all of our times together... The times running around at Nana and Pa's with the headbands on has been in my head all day! Will I wish you were here still.. I feel lost without you! You were amazing and always will be amazing.. YOu will be forever loved and remember! I love you forever!

Anonymous said...

Will you are a testament to optimism and living life to the fullest. I only hope that I can strive toward having your positive outlook on life. You took every step of your journey with perseverance and dignity. You will forever be in my heart. I miss you already!


Unknown said...

Although we didn't know Will personally we knew him through you Mrs. McCaffrey. Please know our hearts and sympathy are with you and your families at this time. The Garrison's - Ed, Patti, Deirdre & Lizzie.

jennoonan said...

Shana and Family -

Will was truly an amazing guy and someone who will never be forgotten.

He will be missed, but his influence on our lives will last forever.

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time and always.

Anonymous said...

Will, you were the best friend anyone could ever ask for, and we will both truly miss you so much. You were such a strong person and an inspiration to everyone around you. We have many, many memories of you that we will cherish forever. We love you!

Andrea and Dominic

Zainab said...


Thank you for all that you did for me and countless others at the AHA. Your constant smile and optimism no matter what the challenge will inspire us all.

I wish I had the chance to connect with you sooner.

My thoughts and prayers go out to your family.


Chris Shields said...

It's not going to be easy, but now it's our job to let the WILL POWER live on. Everyone who loved Will and kept a place in their hearts for him needs to stay strong and move forward. Will was strong for us, now we need to be strong for him. Let's make him proud and show him that none of us have forgotten what WILL POWER is all about. He's watching us all and taking notes.

Anonymous said...

My heart is heavy today. Many of us will be sad and grieving. My prayers, thoughts and support will be constant for your mom Will, so that she will remain strong. We have another Angel in heaven among us. For that I praise God. Will, you are a testament to how all of us should live our lives. It is not how long we have here on earth it is what we do with and how we live the life we are given. Inspite of the cross you had to carry just as Jesus did, you did not stop living. Amen to you. You taught a wonderful lesson through your courage and strength. May you rest in peace with all the other Angels and Saints in heaven. Bernadette

Anonymous said...

Dear Shana,Carol,Bill, and Families,

In memory and in celebration of "Will" who made this world a Brighter and Better Place!

Will's inner light shines bright and touched our lives both near and far and even when they're gone they still forever play a part in the smiles, the priceless moments that are treasured in our hearts.

Our love and warmest thoughts are with you all.

Love, Tom,Karen,and Famlies :)

Karen Wilson said...

I can't tell you how sad I am to read of Will no longer being with us. I truly think that everyone who met Will absolutely loved him. He was a very special friend and co-worker. I'm so sorry for this loss. He was truly blessed to be surrounded by such a wonderful family. Love and blessings to you all, Karen Wilson, AHA Co-worker.

Anonymous said...

"Will" Power will be in our hearts forever and your spirit,dedication and passion for living life to its fullest will be your legacy and our responsiblity to pay it forward. We will miss you and I feel incredibly blessed to have known you.

Love to all. Shana please know the AHA family will be here for you with whatever you need.


Anonymous said...

Shana & Family,

We are so very sad to hear that Will's fight finally came to an end. Will was a very brave person and had a lot of strength to face his cancer in the way that he did. Shana, please know that are hearts go out to you and we only wish that we could do or say something to make it better. We are here for you. God bless.
Jen & Mark

John Francisco said...

To Shana and Family, Will was truly a great person, a great inspiration and a great friend. As painful as this is, we all must remember the contributions he made to this world, how he changed each one of us and all of the great memories we have with him. Will will forever be in our heart and is now a part of each one of us. Our thoughts and prayers are with each one of you. God bless, John, Chris, Nathan and Maria Francisco.

The Adventurous Chicken said...

Will was a true treasure to everyone who knew him and was an inspiration to us all! I will miss him terribly.

Sandi (AHA co-worker)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. McCaffrey~

We are saddened to hear of Will's passing. Know that we are thinking of you and your families during this time!

~The Buza Family

Linda and Joseph Long said...

Shana, Carol, Bill, family and friends,

Our hearts are heavy with the passing of Will. He was a true warrior with such a positive attitude. He fought with every ounce of energy he had - what an inspiration. We know he is with God and free from this terrible disease, but he shall be sorely missed.

Linda & Joseph Long
(Giovanna's parents)

Anonymous said...

Shana, Carol, Bill and all of Will's Loved Ones:

Today I'm remembering Will through tears of sadness and joy! God's peace and comfort fill each of you!


Anonymous said...

Dear Shana & family,

We are full of sorrow on Will's passing and it is difficult to put our feelings into words. He was a such a great guy and a true inspiration to us as he battled his illness. We will always remember his amazing Willpower and will strive to follow his example in our own lives.

Will touched so many people in many different ways. One thing we will always remember was his tremendous sense of humor and how he could make us laugh. What a gift! Thank you, Will, for making the world a brighter, happier place!

Jim and Debbie Burnett

Unknown said...

Will remains as an inspiration to us all, to go after what you believe in. From day one, he never gave up and his positivism gave him so many extra days. I had the distinct honor of learning much about life from Will.
Rest in Peace Will.
Marty Kasniunas

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for Shana, Carol and Bill, Matt, Liz, Aunt Germaine and all of Will's family. He fought so hard. He will be missed dearly. He is in heaven with his Pa and Grandma Goode and his loved ones who have gone before him. I know they are taking good care of him. Our thoughts & prayers are with you. Love, Marianne and Scott

Unknown said...

You and Will's family are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. You have all been through a difficult battle, and I am so sorry. Please find comfort in knowing your many friends are here for you and are available for whatever you need and that Will is free of pain and discomfort. He will be taken care of. He is in God's hands. I am so, so, sorry.

With Love and Caring,
Diane L.

Anonymous said...

Bill & Carol and family,
I can not express the sadness I feel. I keep on thinking of all the good times we shared as our families grew up together.
We have been apart physically but not in our hearts. I will always remember the good times our boys have shared. You are in my thoughts and prayers alaways.

Anonymous said...

Will, you gave me so much courage after I got sick this fall. I'm still journeying on and I'll carry your bravery with me. Thanks for your inspiration. To your family, you are as amazing as he is. May the love of friends and family carry you forward. You are in my prayers.
Maureen (AHA Co-Worker)

Anonymous said...

Dear Shana, Bryan and family...since hearing the news on Saturday morning of Will's passing my mind has revisited the many wonderful memories I have of Will as a colleague and friend, and I've struggled to put into words for my family and friends that didn't know him what a remarkable human being he was. There just don't seem to be words adequate to describe such an extraordinary person. I shared with some colleages today that from the time I first met Will years ago when he first started at AHA, he was someone that was wise beyond his years....that he lived his life as if he had 70 years of life experience to draw upon that guided how he lived his life and how he treated live life to the fullest, to put others before yourself, and to always give more than you take in life...and to just be happy. I guess that's a testament to the wonderful family he has and the influence they all had on his life. I remember so vividly, Shana, talking to Will just a couple weeks before your wedding and how excited he was to be marrying you. I'm not sure I've ever met a man that excited to be getting married! But he was, and he was beaming from ear to ear....and that bright smile was something we all got to be familiar with over the years of knowing Will. He touched so many lives in so many ways, and his gifts to all of us will not be forgotten. My love and prayers are with all of you.

Liz Campbell

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. McCaffery
Even though i didn't know Mr. McCaffery personally, he must have been a wonderful and strong man to have fought his way through this deplorable situation. When i heard the news, my heart ached for you and your family. But he is a better place now, safe with God and away from the pain and anxiety. He will be missed and i hope you are doing ok! God Bless Mr. McCaffery! <3
Love, Delaney O'Neil

Anonymous said...

I have to say the moment I saw Will I knew he had been through alot. I think I only made it to his weight with his vital signs the day he was at Cardiology P.C. when I asked him his story..Because I had never met him before then and didn't have a chance to read thru his chart and he told me that he had a tumor in his atrium, and they removed it successfully! Seriously I know my jaw dropped to the floor and I could feel my eyes well up with tears. Just even the thought of having to deal w/the amount of pain and trouble this man had to deal with, made me want to just hug the hell outta him!! And he gave me his card so that I could watch the blog of the surgery...The whole entire time I had goosebumps all over my body. That was and amazing procedure, and he was one of the lucky ones to have survived it for 3months. And now he doesn't have to suffer any longer. I wish I knew him more and was able to enjoy his good spirit and the drive to overcome. This man has touched my heart and I have only met him once. I have posted a message and this site for Facebook people to see. I hope you get the support,plus more with the donations to the Amer Heart Assoc.
Will thank you so much for giving me a chance to view your surgery and to be apart of your memory, even for the short while. May you be blessed and R.I.P. up in heaven tell my Mom Linda I said Hi and I love her for me would ya?!
Allison Burgess
Cardiology P.C. Dr Gorman's Office

Andy Wiechmann said...

Driving home tonight I thought the best way to honor Will and "Will Power" was to try my best to keep smiling and remember all of the good times. Here are just a few fond memories...

1) Election of 2004 - I loved discussing politics with Will & Linda (and sometimes Don would get into the mix)...

2) Co-Captains of the Heart Walk - his team won of course...

3) Fantasy Football - I will miss his Mattydale put-downs and his Buffalo Bills optimism...

4) Will & Shana's wedding - I'm still jealous his wedding party danced to "A Little Help With My Friends" by the Beatles...why didn't I think of that!

5) Talking about Marty and Jedi...

6) His smile - Will was always smiling. He literally brightened up a room whenever he walked in.

Will was truly one of a kind. He will be missed...

Lori LaDue said...

My Dear friend and colleague Carol, for Bill, Shana, Matt & Elizabeth... It is with extreme regret that after such a valliant and courageous battle with this visious disease that I am reading your glorious loved ones obituary. Reading his blog was enough to make anyone believe that he would be "one" that would perservere. Please accept my sincere, heartfelt condolences. I guess I knew Will through reading the blog and of course, mom Carol's bragging and stories. I'll be here for you Carol. You, Flo and I shall soon visit, whatever you need.
Love Lori LaDue

kyle said...

We so wish we could be there today to give you our support and to share in the celebration of Wills Life. He was a great person and we were so lucky to have known him! Our thoughts and prayers are with you today Shana and family!

-Kyle and Lindsay

Chris Shields said...

Will..... your funeral today was so loving and caring, remembering you and your great talents before you became sick, and then your strength and Will Power while you were sick. Your a loved man Will, and I hope that you watch over us all from the heavens above and help us to remember to live everyday to its' fullest a...s if it may be our last. I'd also like to put in a personal request and see if you can do something up there about maybe the Bills having a somewhat winning season this year. It's been too long.....see what you and the big man can do will ya! I love you brother...

Anonymous said...

Shanna,Bill,Carol,Matt,Liz and to all the extended family:

Ethel and I would again like to extend our deepest sympathies and prayers to you all in the passing of Will, a truly magnificent man. He was an inspiration to all and will be so missed. Our hearts go out to you all and may God bless.

Rob and Ethel Schmitt

Anonymous said...
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Snowbrush said...

I'm so sorry. I hadn't followed the blog, but can easily tell that he will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the information.
Will, you were the best friend anyone could ever ask for, and we will both truly miss you so much

Anonymous said...

Iam so sorry to hear about this. I just randomly found this blog, and as Iam going through chemotherapy myself-this is a matter that is close to me.
Now he is in a peaceful place, where he can feel no pain.
My love to family and friends!

MATIZ said...



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Genial post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. McCaffrey,
I think I can honestly say that you are one of the strongest people that I have ever met. Even after this, you can still find a way to be one of the most amazing teachers I know. I know I never knew your him, but I want you to know that I think your husband would be proud of you. You're a great teacher, and an even greater person. -Sincerely, your student, Julia Herron

Anonymous said...

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Shana McCaffrey said...

I want you to know that there is one day that I don't miss you. You have taught me so much about how to be a righteous person, and for that and many other things, I will forever love you! I still get angry and wonder why you were only with me for a short period of time. We had so much of the future still ahead of us. I love you my beautiful angel. I feel you everyday around me! You are taking such good care of me. Thank you! I love you William Michael McCaffrey, Jr. always and forever!

Shana McCaffrey said...

I decided to visit your blogs again. It makes me cry to know that you still had so much going for you. I still miss you like crazy! I love you my handsome angel. I can't believe that we would have been married for six years! If you were still here, I would have still been fighting right beside you. You are my rock!

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