Here is what you see:
- My heart beating before they do anything
- Them hooking me up to the cardiac bypass machine that does the work of your heart and lungs while they repair the heart (I believe I was on this machine for about 35 minutes)
- Dr. Reardon cutting out the tumor & some of the tissue around it (the tumor is the white thing)
- Dr. Reardon sewing the cardiac patch in place
- My heart beating after he's done
I uploaded the video to YouTube and figured I might as well post it here. I get a very strange feeling when I watch this video - not many people get to look at their own heart's pretty cool! For those that don't like blood and guts I wouldn't look. Check it out here.
Wow.. That is so amazing, what they can do... You are amazing Will! Love You!
That is so amazing! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Hi, Will:
Great video, it is appreciable to see the doctor removing it. It must make you feel good seeing that it is out of your heart.
Kind regards,
Will, this really brings home the reality of what research has accomplished. Thank God!
What an amazing experience to watch. Thanks for sharing it.
Liz C
Will this is nothing short of a miracle! I am so happy for you. You are an inspiration to all of us.
Joanne McLaughlin
That is the most amazing thing I have ever seen. So glad that you are on your way home! See you soon!
My husband is 37 and just got diagnosed with this exact sarcoma on Christmas Eve. His cardiologist was trying to get him to Dr. Reardon in Texas, but our insurance sent us to Mass General. We live in Ma, so it is good to be near our children. Considering I didn't even know this type of cancer existed until 3weeks ago, it is amazing to find someone else who not only has this, but is recovering from the surgery! My husband will more than likely have his surgery in the spring sometime. Our prayers are with you and your family for a full recovery! Thanks for sharing your story!
Wow!! That's cool!! Truly amazing. Thanks for sharing
So amazed with this view of your surgery, Will. Thanks for thinking to let us have a look at miracles that can be performed.
Helen and Bob Schmitt
Now I truly know why I pray so hard for the doctors and nurses who care for you... the knowledge and skill that backed this surgery and all the care you have received, is nothing short of miraculous! Too often we rely solely on the human factor and slide over the reality that the glory belongs to God from whom all our accomplishments originate. Thanks for living your life in such an open fashion that reminds us that God is glorified every day by your amazing life and for sharing the God-given courage and love that you grace all of us with. You bless and inspire each of us and we are encouraged that God is with each of us that believes in his presence no matter what life dishes out. My prayers continue for your healing and recovery, and for strength , comfort, and support for you and all of your family. It goes without saying, but, those prayers will also target all the health care professionals whose skills continue to bring you back to the good health you once enjoyed!
Florence S.
Wow! Most amazing video I've ever seen - and so surprisingly clear! It must really be strange for you to watch it. Glad to hear you are recovering well. Come visit the iSchool some day.
Will, this is the coolest thing ever! You rock for sharing it. Is it too late for me to be a cardiac surgeon?
Just amazing what can be done in this day and age. Hope you are feeling better - I have watched the video several times - it is just so amazing and I am so happy that it was successful. Love, Marianne
We are so glad for you that you finally had the surgery and everything went so well. Recovery can be hard but your spirits sound up! You do have great support with your family and friends. We all wish you well and hope for a speedy recovery. You are always in our thoughts and prayers.
Joe, Linda, Joey, Jim and LeeAnn Rizzo
Wow, Will...that is amazing video! Thanks for sharing it...God Bless....
Matt B.
Well, I've seen inside one of my knees and both of my shoulders, but I can't say I enjoyed it. I'm glad you came through okay.
Hi Will. Just passing through other blogs on Blogger and fell upon yours - it's really great you are documenting your experience in treatment and what an amazing video of your surgery (I was riveted while watching!) So remarkable that they can patch up your heart like that (which does not look easy). But really, that surgeon is some magician, lol, and glad to read you are doing well in your recovery too. Best Wishes!
Will, that's amazing!!!
I'm thinking of you and hope you're out and about soon.
Best always!
Jen Noonan
So glad your surgery was successful. Thanks for posting the video, it was amazing.
this is AMAZING! i plan to be a cardiac surgeon one day and your blog has definitely been an educational read.
hope the recovery is going ok.
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スタービーチで始まる素敵な出 合いをしていきませんか。楽しめる出 合いを経験するにはココから始まる!!最高の出 合いがあなたを待っている
最近はどこのSNSサイトも規制ばっかりで、ちょっと出 合いに関して書き込みするとアク禁食らうけど、夏休み終盤に差し掛かり色々なサイトを調べた結果、グリーだけはどうも規制が緩んでるみたいです。今がチャンスの時期ですよ
ツイッターで出 合 いを求めるのです。気の合う異性と交流して楽しいひと時をお過ごしください。登録無料で使えるので気軽さは100点満点!
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